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Coached by horse and mule trainer Jerry Tindell, Carlo has studied and practiced horsemanship for the last 19 years. Constantly striving to improve his skills of timing, pressure and release, he trains year round near Linden, AB. He has always been drawn to the history of horsemanship and the ability to harness the strength of a willing equine partner. This includes interest in horse logging, cart/harness horse(single and double), packing, roping, and training off horseback.


With these interests and skills, Carlo specializes in colt starting and custom training. Whether it be a strong willed mule or a young colt, he is willing and ready to set to work; using pressure and release through body language to teach the animal to respond and give to the natural pressure horses understand.






As much as it is important to train the horse, it is also important to train the owner. To get the most out of training a horse, Carlo highly recommends and appreciates owners who are also willing to learn. Regardless to whether he has trained your horse, he is willing to aid and assist those with an interest in learning and a passion to succeed in the horse world. His willingness to match the enthusiasm of those around him makes Carlo an asset to anyone wanting to broaden their horizons with horses and mules. He comes highly recommended from those who know him, who have worked with him and who have heard of his success with both mules and horses.







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